GNL Kimya Kozmetik Tic.Ltd.Şti., GNL IYON TT – İyon Tutucu, GNL ALLCOM KSR – Kombine Kasar Malzemesi, GNL ANTİPER – Anti Peroksit Enzimi, SIVI SABUN – 4 LT, BULAŞIK DETERJANI – 4 LT, CAM, GNL PLİNG ENZ - Anti Pilling (Tüy) Enzimi,

GNL OİL RMV – Yağ Sökücü, GNL WET PLUS - Islatıcı, Ön Terbiye Kimyasalları, Apre / Finish Kimyasalları, Boyama Kimyasalları, Kolonya Çeşitleri,GNL SOFT SRD – Hidrofil Silikon Yumuşatıcı

Bambu Çubuklu Oda Kokusu, Temizlik Ürünlerimiz, 80° Kolonya Çeşitlerimiz, 400 ML – PET ŞİŞE, 200 ML PET ŞİŞE, 100 ML PET ŞİŞE SPREYLİ, 50 ML PET ŞİŞE SPREYLİ,

  • 0 272 411 31 00
  • Türkçe
  • İngilizce

GNL OIL RMV – Oil Remover

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GNL OIL RMV – Oil Remover

Degreaser chemicals consist of solvent-based and water-based chemicals. In the industrial industry, solvent-based degreaser products are used on surfaces where water is a problem. Water-based products are produced from alkaline and acidic chemicals.

As GNL Chemistry, we aim to direct you to the right product, solve the problems you encounter, introduce you to our product quality and work for a long time.